SEG Setudent Section Diponegoro University

SEG Short Course 2011

SEG Student Section UNDIP Present ”Seismic Data Processing, and Interpretation for Oil and Gas Exploration”

Physics Department, Math and Science Faculty, Diponegoro University

Great strides energy demand made developing in technology and energy exploration for produce and enrichment rapidly growth recently. Energy availability is important role in human being because it takes role in producing, consuming and distribution activity. Moreover, it’s also reflected state’s sustainability. In order to react this phenomena, young generation should be prepared since soon. This step purposed to make them able to continue and follow up everything that have done at this time in energy sustainability.

Fosil energy(oil, gas and coal) is one of the most vital source of energy. Making this energy ready to use for human being needs analysis and exploration by some expertise fields. Geophysics is one of those expertnesses that needed. Mapping geologic structure and sub surface containing is one example of geophysics role. Geophysics method that broadly used in energy exploration is seismic method. Seismic method could solves the need of geologic structure and material that probable could exist in sub surface of an area. Those information got from processing and interpreting seismic data.

For those reasons, human resources availability in exploration energy field should be prepared and always be develop. Tight connection between education and industry is needed. Education world responsible in development of human resources. Education world need access and transfer information from the industry because industry rapidly explored and developed newest technology in energy exploration. This connection primarily need to produce ready skill human resources so could be absorb to fulfill industry demand.

PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) has responsible to develop and growth exploration education to fulfill need of human resources in this field in the future. Through this similar aim, Geophysics Study Group (KSGF) and SEG Student Chapter UNDIP from Physics Departement, Math and Sciences Faculty, Diponegoro University propose to make a partnership to held this course. We believe through this event, both sides will take a lot of advantageous especially in education and image projection to PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) as well known corporation who care in education development. By this event SEG Student Chapter UNDIP could get valuable experieces and knowledges which will complete what were we got in lectures.

This honorary lecture planed for 2days in:
Date : March 26th – 27th ,2011
Venue : Conference Room C
Dekanat Building 3rd floor
Math and Science Faculty, Diponegoro University Semarang